Upskill Your Team With Flexibility

Explore Our Corporate Training Options

In-House Training

We provide corporate training and development programs to organizations for their  employees within the company. These training programs are designed to improve employee skills and knowledge, enhance job performance, and increase overall productivity within the organization.

Our corporate in-house training can be delivered in a variety of formats, such as classroom-style training, online training modules, workshops, seminars, and as an event.

Our corporate in-house training built in such a way  that it allows companies to tailor the training programs to their specific needs and goals. This helps to ensure that employees receive the skills and knowledge necessary to perform their job duties effectively.

Our Public Courses

Our public courses are ideal for smaller teams or busy employee schedules, which will make attending a public course a better  option to train your team. For team members that can’t take the time away from their work to train at the same time, or for teams smaller than six people, we recommend attending our award  public courses run by our expert trainers.

Courses are as per your requirement and we have a wide range of dates to choose from.

Check our public courses here

Bespoke Online Courses

Our bespoke online courses are customised and designed courses for an individual or organization. These courses are tailored to meet the unique needs and requirements of the learner, and they can cover a wide range of topics that can be delivered in a variety of formats, including audio, and interactive modules. This can help to keep learners engaged and interested in the content, which can lead to better retention of the material.

Taking our bespoke online courses can be a highly effective way to learn new skills and knowledge. By tailoring the content to the specific needs of the learner, our courses can provide a more personalised and engaging learning experience that can lead to better results.

Why Choose Crystal Options Training?

High-quality training

Our experts work with you to design a tailored transformation journey.

Training Schedule

Easy to schedule the training around your work.

Support & Flexibility

Our competencies focus exclusively on in‑demand digital technologies and ensure workplace relevance.

Personal Support

Our classes are unique and it’s tailored to meet the needs of our students

Our Partners

We partner with the biggest brands in digital to create powerful products and experiences

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